Members vote for new governance model – What’s next?

January 19, 2017

Thank you to all of you who embraced the democracy of our Association and took the time to cast your vote in the recent governance referendum. Members have spoken, and you said you are ready for change – ready to move forward, ready for a more representative and nimble Association. With the amazing changes and opportunities that are now ahead of us, many of you might be asking yourselves, “What now? What’s next?”

Well, our Association is excited to get down to business, to embark upon addressing the meaningful changes that makes sense and are relevant for all physicians.

In the coming months you will receive more detailed information on the steps being taken to implement these changes. For now I simply want to give you an idea of what to expect in the immediate and short-term. During the transition from the current and existing board configuration, to when the new board and Representative Assembly model meet for the first time in September, our existing governance structures will remain in place and the Association’s ongoing work will continue.

The original date of the Association’s Annual General Meeting remains, and will be held on June 3rd at which time your President-Elect, Dr Trina Larsen-Soles, will officially step into her role as President, and I will transition to become Past-President. Scheduling of future AGMs has yet to be determined.

This spring, members will receive a call for nominations for the following positions:

  • President-Elect
  • Board Directors at Large
  • Elected Delegates to the Association’s new Representative Assembly
  • Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Representative Assembly
  • Members at Large to the Governance and Nominating Committees

And mid-summer, all members will have the opportunity to once again embrace our collective democracy by voting for our preferred candidates.

If over the last few years you’ve thought about and have been inspired to contribute some of your professional time and expertise to the greater good of the profession, this would be a transformative time to put your name forward for one of these positions. You voted for meaningful change, and I now encourage you to also be a bigger part of that change.

Thank you again to those who clearly took the time to have your voice heard, and to now help shape the future of our Association. This is an exciting time, and I look forward to watching and participating as these changes unfold.  Our Association will ensure all members are kept well informed as the transition progresses.

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