JCCs - Family doctors and specialists work together to improve patient health pre- and post-surgery
The Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs) are a unique partnership of Doctors of BC and the BC government.
November 1, 2020
Change in physician payment for Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs)
The JCC co-chairs recently announced that family doctors and specialists who participate in quality and system improvement activities on behalf of the collaborative committees will be compensated at the same rate, retroactive to April 1, 2019.&nbs
September 25, 2020
JCC principles include cultural safety, longitudinal care, and physician engagement
The Joint Collaborative Committees, a partnership of Doctors of BC and the BC Ministry of Health, continue to play a key role in ensuring physicians are leaders and have a voice in
August 14, 2020
Bringing community voices together at BC Rural & First Nations Summit
“Going forward, what changes have been adopted as part of the COVID-19 response that we should stop, sustain or scale?”
July 22, 2019
Ask Doctors of BC: How can physicians access project funding from the JCCs?
We are often asked the following question by physicians: How do I/we apply for funding support for projects through the Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs)?
The first thing to keep in mind that is that a lot of t