Dr Charlene Lui, Doctors of BC President
“I chose family practice because I was attracted to the breadth of issues a family doctor gets to see in a day and because I was drawn to the kind of relationship-based medicine that comes from caring for patients and their families across their lifespan. I focused on maternity because I love being a part of that most precious time in a couple’s life.”

Together is our superpower
Dr Charlene Lui knew from a very young age that she wanted to be a doctor, and for the last 27 years she has been a family physician in both community and facility settings, providing a diverse array of care including longitudinal full-service family practice and obstetrics.
Recognizing that with challenge comes opportunity, Dr Lui is committed to supporting physicians and health care partners alike to turn ongoing health system challenges into positive change for doctors, patients, and the future of medicine.
“I hope for a transformed health care system that allows all physicians, both current and future, to provide high quality care in a system that is sustainable and harnesses innovation to meet the ever-evolving needs of patients and care providers throughout BC.”
Dr Lui will focus on fostering a stronger and more unified profession to increase the influence of the physician voice and highlight the unique and important perspective doctors can bring when it comes to creating positive and sustainable change. She hopes to build trust across the profession so that all doctors – specialist and family physicians; rural and urban – feel supported and united in their goal to improve the health care system. To encourage this, she will focus much of her presidency on the theme “Together is our superpower.”
Dr Lui became involved with Doctors of BC through her work establishing the Burnaby Division of Family Practice where she was Board Chair for 8 years. She has also held several other medical leadership roles including Co-Chair of the Burnaby Collaborative Services Committee, OB-GYN Department Head at Burnaby Hospital, Board Chair of BC Family Doctors, and Chair of the Fraser Regional Divisions Collaborative. She has also been a member of Doctors of BC’s Representative Assembly, WorkSafeBC Negotiations Coordinating Group, and the Community Physician Health and Safety Oversight Group.
Outside of providing Family Practice and obstetric care, Dr Lui is dedicated to teaching and mentoring the doctors of tomorrow. She is a Clinical Instructor with UBC’s Faculty of Medicine and enjoys teaching Physician Quality Improvement.
To contact Dr Lui, please email president@doctorsofbc.ca and follow her @dr_charlenelui.