July 6, 2017

In British Columbia and across Canada, it is estimated that one in five adults are living with chronic pain – and as people age, that number is expected to grow. For people with chronic pain, effective pain management is crucial for improving their quality of life. As such, Doctors of BC...

June 30, 2017

Everyone, no matter where they work or who they work with, should be able to speak out, offer feedback, or introduce new ideas without fear of reprisal, embarrassment, or ridicule. Psychological safety is best described as an environment where people feel safe to speak up about workplace...

June 29, 2017

Psychological safety is defined as “the degree to which people view the environment as conducive to interpersonally risky behaviours like speaking up or asking for help”. Without psychological safety, physicians and others are less likely to suggest new ideas, offer feedback, or seek assistance...