As part of our ongoing advocacy for technology solutions that reflects members’ needs and concerns, Doctors of BC is working with the Ministry of Health on digital health governance. We have a key role to play and are working to:

  • Ensure opportunities for physician input on proposed provincial digital health governance structures.

  • Influence decision-making on projects, new and existing technologies, clinical practice, and related regulatory policies and frameworks, and more.

  • Participate in oversight of digital health initiatives as a whole and the policies surrounding them (per 2019 PMA).

Our influence

In the past few years, Doctors of BC has:

  • Advised the Ministry of Health of the need for inclusion of clinical perspectives, role clarity, and physician participation in decision-making at governance tables.
  • Provided feedback on alternate governance structures the Ministry of Health has proposed.
  • Confirmed the need for governance structures that are nimble and support quick decision-making, as highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ministry has since undertaken a review of previous governance structures (see Governance Lessons Learned below). We continue to advocate on behalf of our members for ongoing collaboration with them on this foundational component of the future of digital health in BC.

We’ll continue to share more information as it is available:

Governance lessons learned

New and future governance structures must:

  • Support leadership and timely decision-making

  • Provide role clarity

  • Ensure full-continuum clinical and patient representation

  • Maximize stakeholder representation and engagement (e.g., JCCs)

Future governance principles
  • Participatory - brings along a stakeholder group affected by digital health decisions

  • Patient-centered - continuously seeks to improve the overall quality of care and is reflective of communities it represents

  • Appropriate delegate authority - Roles and scope are clear; authority at appropriate level to allow for timely decision-making

  • Adaptive/responsive - Nimble and responsive to the priorities of the health system while balancing stakeholders’ competing needs and emerging interests

  • Integrated/aligned - integrates clinical/business and technology perspectives - digital/technology is an enabler