Health Policy

Scope of Practice for Allied Health Professionals

April 1, 2009

The Doctors of BC supports efforts to maximize the use of all members of the health care team from within their training and expertise.

The Doctors of BC welcomes scope of practice changes for allied health professionals provided that such changes are substantiated with sufficient evidence of training and demonstrated expertise; are ethical, appropriate, and consistent with the best available scientific evidence; and protect the quality of care and the safety of patients.  

The provincial government must offer a meaningful stakeholder consultation process for any proposed scope of practice change.

Titles of “doctor” and “physician” without qualifiers must be reserved for registrants of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. Likewise, the use of “diagnosis” without qualifiers must be reserved for registrants of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.

Conflicts of interest on the part of allied health professionals that arise from scope of practice changes must be mitigated, and all practitioners must have adequate liability coverage.

For more information, including background, analysis and references, please see the full policy statement