Shining a spotlight on our collaborative programs

January 13, 2016

Collaboration is a key to success when it comes to delivering quality patient care and improving our health care system. A partnership of Doctors of BC and the provincial government has, over the last decade, resulted in innovative and positive changes in health care. To learn more about this work – and lessons learned along the way - doctors and other health care professionals are encouraged to register for the Joint Collaborative/Clinical Committees Showcase to be held in Vancouver on February 24, 2016.

The showcase covers a wide range of topics, including seniors care, child and youth mental health, surgical improvements, maternity care, polypharmacy and more. View the full agenda and registration details here.

The JCC Showcase is a CME accredited event (6.5 hours).  Doctors of BC is sponsoring a number of physicians to attend and learn more about the work occurring through the JCC - for more information, please send an email to .

Each JCC committee have a specific focus: GPSC is primary care, SSC is specialist care and Shared Care is the coordination of specialist and primary care.

At Doctors of BC our role is to enable change to happen. Our JCC collaborative committees, advocacy, policy and negotiations work, provide the structure to help us make a meaningful difference, deliver quality patient care and continue to improve our health care system.