World No Tobacco Day

May 30, 2018

Every year, on May 31, the World Health Organization marks World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), highlighting the health and other risks associated with tobacco use, and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption.

The focus of World No Tobacco Day 2018 is "Tobacco and heart disease." The campaign will increase awareness of the:

  • Link between tobacco and heart and other cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including stroke, which combined are the world’s leading causes of death;
  • Feasible actions and measures that key audiences, including governments and the public, can take to reduce the risks to heart health posed by tobacco.

Tips on how to quit smoking

As we mark World No Tobacco Day, some smokers will think about quitting.  Here are some tips to help you succeed, courtesy of our friends at QuitNow. 

1.) Pick a date

Turn a general wish into concrete plan: pick a date to quit smoking, and stick to it. Pick a date which is within a month from now -- long enough that you have time to prepare, but not so long you will change your mind. Pick a date with low stress and no major events.

2.) Make your list

Make a list of all the reasons why you want to be smoke-free -- and be as specific as possible. Ultimately you will only ever quit smoking if you are determined and motivated to do it, and that motivation needs to come from your reasons for quitting.

3.) Consider quitting aids

Quitting medications or Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), combined with counselling (which we provide for free!), can DOUBLE your chances of success. Of course medications are not for everyone, so be sure to consult with your doctor or pharmacist first.

4.) Recruit a buddy

Peer pressure can be a powerful motivator. Choose someone (or a few people) that you trust and respect to help you quit. Tell them you plan to quit smoking and then call them for support. No matter what you talk about, talking to them will help take your mind off of your cravings and will reinforce your commitment to quitting.

5.) Decode your habit

Start paying attention to the circumstances when you smoke -- the time, place, people you’re with, and way you are feeling. For most people, a few predictable triggers are responsible for many of their cravings. By identifying those patterns and figuring out what your smoking triggers are, you can find ways to avoid them.

6.) Drink (lots of) water

It’s simple but incredibly effective. Drinking water is a great trick to beat nicotine cravings -- plus you should probably be drinking more water anyway.

7.) Sign up for reminders

Get motivational tips and reminders sent automatically by text or email to keep you focused on track in the days and weeks ahead.

8.) Start a new hobby

Taking up a new hobby can be an excellent way to get your mind off cravings -- plus once you become smoke-free you’ll have a whole bunch of new time and money on your hands!

9.) Treat yourself

When you’re quitting, it’s important to create some other kind of treat for yourself to replace the “reward” of smoking. Use the money you’ve saved to treat yourself on important milestones, like one week smoke-free, one month smoke-free, etc.

10.) And if at first you don’t succeed...

Almost no one manages to quit on their first attempt… or second… or third… or sometimes even thirtieth. Quitting smoking is hard. It takes time, determination, and repeated attempts. Slips and relapses are not a sign of failure, they are part of the process. Learn from your setbacks. Don’t get discouraged and keep at it.

QuitNow is the free, quit-smoking program of the Government of British Columbia, delivered by the BC Lung Association. Click here to learn how QuitNow can help you develop your own personalized plan.